Elena Taylor

Classes, Conferences & Community: Author Sheila Sobel talks about Writing

I’m pleased to have a guest blog today by ITW Debut author Sheila Sobel.  As a Senior Auditor for Warner Bros., Sheila oversaw production costs for films including “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” the “Matrix” trilogy, “The Dark Knight” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”  After working on 70+ Independent and Studio movies, Sheila […]

Eddie Shoes travels around the US on her very own Blog Tour!

Come with me on my virtual book tour! Between now and February 5th, Eddie Shoes and I will be speeding across the Internet for a series of reviews, guest blogs, spotlights, and interviews. I hope you will join us as we travel the cyber highway. Thank you Escape with Dollycas for planningthe perfect tour. January 23 – A […]

Writing in the Snow … Ain’t it a cold, cold world.

Beautiful day here in North Bend, Washington. The promised snow has arrived, along with a few downed trees and a short-lived power outage. Here’s the current view outside my writing room window. I’m waiting for the snow to melt before I drive out of my ‘hood, so I didn’t go to the gym. A free […]


An interesting first day in New York for ThrillerFest 2016. Landed at Newark just before 8am, only to find a rather interesting scene. I’m still wondering what was going on with this plane…The Jane Hotel – my home away from home for the next couple of days – reminds me of being on a train […]

My first month as a published author…

After interviewing published authors for several years now, it’s very exciting to include myself on my own blog. My novel officially launched on April 15th with Camel Press. The first two weeks after the launch have been a whirlwind.  As a longtime playwright and writing instructor, I’ve spent years leading classes and workshops, from dialogue for […]

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