Elena Taylor

A Few Things To Know Before You Submit

You work for months, maybe even years, and finally get to type those two, beautiful little words: The End.Now what?Look for an agent? Self-publish? Submit to Independent Presses? There are lots of roads an author can go down, but are you ready for that step?June’s Spotlight will highlight some areas you might just want to […]

The Devil is in the Details

Once you feel your manuscript is “done,” one of the best things you can do is set it aside and ignore it for a few days, weeks, or months. Work on something else, take a vacation, do some laundry. Fill your mind with other things. Then- After your work has sat – go back and […]

Formatting Manuscripts/Content/Genre

The Literary world is full of gatekeepers.  Publishers have editors. Reaching an editor often requires an agent. Reaching an agent requires an introduction. An introduction usually requires either a good, solid query letter or a positive critique session at a conference. A good, solid query letter or a positive critique session requires … an excellent […]

YA Novels, Adult Fiction, Complex Characters

The Interview  Part I You write both Young Adult Fiction and Adult fiction, what changes for you when writing in the other genre? Writing adult novels is in many ways, more freeing, and – dare I say it – in some regards less difficult.  In Y/A, you are faced with quite a few constraints, and […]

Writing process, Genre, Writing Style

Part I Take us through your writing process. I start with character sketches, fleshing them out carefully and then make a story arc of the plot. I write the first draft fast, usually 2500 words a day. After I have it splashed onto the paper, I then start from chapter one and refine. I’m a […]

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